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Supporting PWNage

You can support pwnage for free in many ways, the first of which is by simply watching the stream and having fun. However if you are interested in putting in a little bit of time you can support PWNage without the use of your personal money.


Loots is a great and quick way of supporting the stream for free. All you need to do is click on the link above or type !loots in chat while viewing and click on the link, type in a quick and simple message. At that point a message will pop up on the stream video it self along with a short(less-intrusive then normal) ad that generates a little bit of revenue for me.


Gatherbot the primary bot in our chat has a quest system that you can use by accomplishing real world tasks, both simple and complex that will allow you to earn free subscriptions to the channel, and free direct donations to the channel!

Ads for Free Bits

You can also choose to watch ads for free bits, which you can then tip with live on stream! You all know there is nothing PWNage like more then seeing all your Bitties! SHOW ME THE BITTIES!

You can support me indirectly by purchasing things you were already going to purchase. However, Instead of going to straight to the site you are going to make your purchase from, you simply click on my affiliate and partner links below before making your purchases.


By using this link and shopping on amazon you will be contributing to the stream by having shopped using my referral link. This cost you absolutely nothing except for your time to navigate to amazon by using my link. I heavily appreciate you using this link when you make Amazon purchases!

Greenman Gaming

By using my green man gaming affiliates link above, I will recieve a commission for any purchases you make. So when you are thinking about purchasing a game, head here click the link or type !gmg into chat while I am streaming to make your purchase and help PWNage out!

Specific Games

This is a list of games and links that I am sponsored to sell and able to make commissions if you use the links to make a purchase, and discount codes are also listed here so make sure you use them to save yourself some dough, while helping PWNage make some dough. You are the PWNage and I love ya!


Its a class, its was the first, its not the worst, but its not the best...if you still do not own it and you want it. I appreciate you purchasing it through my link here!

Hello Neighbor

Its a crazy game about breaking into your neighbors house and seeing whats really going on in there, its fun and scary. Try it out!


Its a fun game for streamers to interact with their community! If you are a streamer and you have not tried it yet, I cannot recommend it enough! have some fun and do not take the game to seriously, that is the position it shines the best from.

Ash of Gods

Use the Discount Code at checkout MYHOBP for a 5% Discount

Life is Feudal: MMO

Use the Discount Code at checkout KHC76B for a 5% Discount


The newest game from the developers of Dead by Daylight(DBD), its a near future take on a deathbowl between five runners and a hunter that is trying to kill them!


The most direct way of supporting the stream is through tips, simply follow the link above to tip PWNage and get a gift for yourself in the bot along with everyone else in chat.


Bounties are the most unique way of supporting the stream, I get the money as if though its a normal tip, however its tied to the bot in a way that allows you to ask me to accomplish a specific task, you can use one of the stop bounties in the upper right or choose to create a custom bounty and ask me to do something specific for the money.

Purchasing SWAG

Lets be real, this does not require a description, you buy swag...look a little more like PWN, and as a result support PWNage which honestly...is really pwnage of you. So you look a little more like PWN, you help PWN out, and become a little more like PWN. Pretty soon you will replace me. You know what, do not buy my SWAG. I don't like the way this is going.

Never forget to stay cool, keep calm, and PWN ON!

© Copyright 2018. Developed by MasterofPWNage. All Rights Reserved.

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